Support our Church
There are several ways that you can contribute to our ministry at Redeemer Montclair:
Give Online
Our online giving platform is the easiest way to support our church online. It is fast, easy, and secure. There is a 2.15% + $0.30 fee per transaction for credit cards, and a $0.30 fee for Bank transactions.
Give without Fees
To give without fees you can donate using Zelle. If you use a major bank you can likely give with Zelle directly from your bank's mobile banking app. To learn more, click here.
To donate to our church using Zelle, send a donation using the information below:
Name: Redeemer Church of Montclair
Message to recipient: choose one: general fund, diaconate, building fund
In addition to the two online options above, here are other ways you can support the work of our church:
Bank Issued Checks
You can authorize your bank through online payments to send a check on your behalf to Redeemer Montclair. Please make checks payable to "Redeemer Church of Montclair" and mail to: Redeemer Church of Montclair, 19 N. Willow Street, Montclair, NJ 07042.
Sunday Worship Services
You can give through cash or check in the offering plate during Sunday worship. Checks may be made out to “Redeemer Church of Montclair.”
If you have stocks or shares to donate, please call the office at 973-233-0388 ext. 0 for additional information.